Step 1:

Request Appointment

If you have not yet scheduled an appointment, you may do so by submitting the booking form or by calling one of our locations.

Step 2:

Request New Patient Registration

After you schedule your appointment, we encourage you to fill out our online new patient forms, so you can fill them out at your convenience.

Step 3:

Get Directions

If you are unable to get directions on our Lincolnway West Mishawaka, IN, you may call our office to get more detailed directions.

That's it

We will see you at your first appointment!

Dentists Proudly Serving
South Bend–Mishawaka, IN
Since 2001

Contact us

We are proud to offer exceptional dental care, convenient appointment times and great customer service!

Book Appointment

We are proud to offer exceptional dental care, convenient appointment times and great customer service!
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